New Year New You

Can you believe a year has nearly been and gone already? me neither! with new years at our finger tips we look back over 2015 and the memories it holds and look forward to what 2016 has in store for us all.

for most of us 2016 will start with a detox and a diet, the christmas period is one where we over indulge and the winter nights are still long and arduous, which makes exercising that much more harder when you want to snuggle up to a good film on the sofa. So if you make any resolution which involves losing weight and exercising this forth coming year than make sure it is one which id doable so you don’t join the hundreds that fall out of love with the gym come the following month.


Faddy diets are at large this time of the year and its easy to get sucked into the idea of instant weight loss, but many of them will not give you the energy you need to sustain a good gym session. Real change comes with understanding exercise and nutrition, so a good personal trainer should help give you the guidance and the confidence to make the right decisions inside and outside the gym.

nathan pt

I have not decided on my new years resolution as yet, but if you have any really cool ones i would love to hear from you… May help me find inspiration before the year is up.

If you have any queries about starting exercise or an eating plan in 2016 please feel free to contact .

Id like to wish you all a happy new year and may 2016 be a happy and healthy one…

Hannah x