Wear A Suit with Confidence.


Someone asked me not long ago, how can clothes make me feel more confident? in which i answered “i don’t know”… Only joking thats not what i said. But Have you ever noticed when your watching a TV show like suits or Mad men and the lead character enters a room, and you just know he means business!

Have they ever been wearing a bad suit?

Has there hair ever been out of place or their shoes not appropriate?

Its very unlikely, if so the stylist is in trouble… My point being, regardless that its just a show, the powerful lead characters use confidence to pull it off. In truth, if clothes don’t make you feel good than you’re probably not buying the right clothes to suit your body. Whether you’re a man or a woman they should give you a figure, and that goes for plus size too.


I still get the same feeling about clothes as i did when i was little, my mum bought me a new pair of shoes and i had to wear them straight away. My old ones would go into the new shoe box and id wear my new shoes out of the shop, and probably the rest of the that week. If a fiend made a nice passing comment…i was Winning! This may not occur every time you buy a new suit but it should, because thats the confidence you need to be that man who steps in the room and looks as though he means business.

Thanks for reading

Hannah x